Tuesday, May 22, 2012

AN ENORMOUS THANKYOU; Updates.. Business as usual

Hey everyone just a few business things... Please, if you follow with google friend connect go
ahead and follow on FeedBurner :) the place to enter your email is near the bottom right of my
blog as you scroll down to read my posts. Please do follow via FeedBurner? It would mean a
lot to me and it would be a lot easier for you to keep up to date. I believe I have control over
 how often it sends out emails, I will only send out emails if I have something big to announce
ie. Big giveaway (only my own.. I will not promote other peoples giveaways in your inbox),
potential opportunities, results of giveaways etc.

it is kinda of a big deal (cue huge milestone)

I meant it.. it is a HUGE milestone XD

Don't forget that I will be hosting my 200+ follower giveaway very soon..invite your friends..
 It only 90 people so if everyone currently following glitterpukee gets one person to follow this
week we will be there by the end of this week!!!
My current giveaway will be closed at the end of this month! Check it out *here*!!!

I will be doing more reviews and more polish posts more often in the near future!! I finish up
 my classes in the beginning of June so my posts *should* be more frequent over the summer.
Thank you all for more than 100 followers and likers on facebook. If you have not yet liked
 my page do so here!

That is just about it. I will being doing more of everything in the near future and I hope you are
 all planning on coming along for the journey.

Thanks for everything;
and until next time


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