Friday, August 3, 2012

Upcoming reviews

How do I end up with so many reviews??? I haven't a clueBut I do know that I will have help in the future, my sister Kaitlin aka Hungry Russian Wombat, of whom will not be starting her own blog for the time being.. in a sense it is not a guest post.But lets say it is :)
Anywhooo, I will soon be featuring many more so called *guest* posts. When really they are posts featuring the experience of someone else with a product that I either could not use or had an adverse reaction to and felt that the product needed a second chance. Or, that I would most likely never be able to tell the effects. Ie; Anti-aging products, Men's Axe, Acne products for severe acne, kids products etc.Everyone who will be posting are very close to me. Family members, close friends, people who I picked off the street... TOTALLY KIDDING!!!!!
But in the end it comes to this. My blog is my baby. I wouldn't trust with people who I don't trust in real life. End of story.
I love what I do and cannot wait to share more wonderful products with you guys.
Until Next Time,GLITTERPUKEE!!!

Don't forget to follow me as well :DD (and this blog you are reading too!!!)!/lelalu100  

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