Sunday, June 24, 2012

free U by Kotex clutch & tampons Freebie alert XD

So. I would say today is the day that Leah is getting bored and entering for all kinds of freebies.. SO I have decided that every time I enter for a freebie.. I oughta share it with Ya''ll.. Sounds good to me :)

So this one is for tampons.. and a cute clutch thingy.. which means that every girl needs one.. or guy should enter in for the cute clutch to give to someone.. or keep. No one is judging. 
so click *here*  and make a board.. or just mess around. Pin it and then look to the right of the page and there is a lil button to go *Click* on

And that is about it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats all
You now have a freebie on its way XDDD
        Don't forget to follow me on twitter by clicking here
and enter your email in the *follow by email box* so you can get updates when I post new freebies and giveaways so you never miss one :D

hope this was helpful
Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. Sweeeet. Thanks! I'm always looking for free tampon samples... tampons are expensive!


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