so.. I have found perfect dupage...
none of this ... "well... it is so close...nobody will be that concerned anyhow"
this is.. try to differentiate between the two photos below and tell me which of the two is the Essie and which is the Sonia
The two colors are Essie Sew Psyched and Sonia Kasuk Fatigued. I was given fatigued by the amazing "Anonymous" gifter last month.. but I hadn't had the chance to wear it yet..
So, when I came across Sew Psyched yesterday for 3.25 I couldn't pass it up because so many people told me I would love it :D
But, Sadly, they are identical..
Oh well.. one is going to the swap bin.. I prefer the brush on the Essie.. as well as it's overall application so I will probably be keeping that one.
If anyone is interested in Fatigued let me know :)

Thats all :)
Thanks for reading
and until next time..