Monday, July 30, 2012

Belly Rest (CHECK HER OUT!)

Hey everyone!!!
No, I am not pregnant. Or anything of the sort. Today I am here to help support an euntreprenuer who's only goal is to hep preggo mums all over the country sleep better. I will be posting her schpeal below :)

Pregnant women and maternity pillows probably aren’t the first things that come to mind when you’re on a blog like this that focuses on beauty… But pregnant women are gorgeous, right? That preggo glow is no joke!
 Pregnant women are definitely a little more beautiful when they good night’s sleep, right? A few years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter, I had the “glow,” but I wasn’t sleeping well. I didn’t want to buy one of those huge maternity pillows that were the size of another person in my bed. I had to get creative and invented my own pillow. Then came the red tape.
 I was ready to start selling my pillow on the internet when I found out that I’d have to have a pillow tag on it. Then I found out that 15 states require tags on pillows. And then I found out that I’d have to pay $4,660 in pillow tag registration fees before I could sell my pillow online! I cried for a whole day. I was so disappointed. I didn’t know what to do.
But then I got mad. I got so mad that I wrote a rap: a rap all about pillow tags and government red tape and pregnant women who needed my help. I recorded a music video with my pregnant mom-friends and launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise the money I need for the pillow tag registration fees.

 So, if you have any preggo homies or know anyone who can appreciate a good rap about pillow tags, would you let them know? Every day I’m a little bit closer to my goal. Just two weeks left to go! 
 If I don’t hit the goal, I don’t get any of the money. 
 Sleep well my friends! 
Kerri Smith (a.k.a. Kdiggy)

About Kerri:
I’m a wife, mom, entrepreneur and songwriter.  When I’m not rapping about pillow tags, I’m spending time with my husband and almost two year old daughter.  We’re hoping for another little one soon. (Last time it took two years and a lot of fertility drug injection cycles, but it finally worked after having surgery for severe endometriosis.  That’s another story…)
 I get more ideas than I know what to do with, and I’m finally starting to make some of them happen. It’s amazing to be doing what you were born to do.  Don’t let fear hold you back – go for it! 

So, Sounds like we can help her?? I think so. Please, go check out her campaign and contribute what you can. 
Until Next Time,

Disclosure: I am not being compensated for this post. I am trying to help out a woman who has a great vision but needs help getting there. All links are for your convenience

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leah! Thanks for helping get the word out about my pillow tag predicament! Every view to the video helps and every contribution is a huge help! I appreciate it so much!
    Kerri Smith


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