Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ulta clearance haul!!!!!!! (part one)

I have been hauling like crazy..
and I don't even mean too..
I just have this problem that I have no inhibitions when it comes to meeting new colors... I have bought about.. oh god.. 24ish nail polishes in the past two days.. in the post I am only going to be showing you guys the ones I got from Ulta :)
the first was the ulta exclusive Deck Your Nails from OPI, it is a really cute mini set (I LOVE MINIS!!) and I picked this up for only $3!!! aghhh I thought I was too cool XD
the colors included were two glitters;
A sprinkle Yule love-- a red base with red blue green and gold mini hex glitters as well as lots of silvery gold micro glitter
How's it snowin'-- a dark grey based Silver glitter.. it has mini hex glitters as well as micro glitters.
Speak for your elf-- A darker mid red glittery polish.. It is not sheer enough to be considered a glitter, there is definitely an opaqueish base at the bottom of it :)
and last, a mini rapid dry :D awesome to be able to try all these cool colors for so little <3

I also kind of love that ulta gives you little perfume tester strips to test out nail polish on <3

Anywhooo.. I feel like I should break up my polish hauls into multiple posts.. So I might be able to put up real swatches..
thanks for reading :D
until next time,


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